MITA Joins Coalition Expressing Concern with MFPS Proposed Cuts

Aug 2, 2022, 10:35 AM

Washington, D.C. – The Medical Imaging & Technology Alliance (MITA) – the leading trade association representing manufacturers of medical imaging equipment, radiopharmaceuticals, contrast media, and focused ultrasound therapeutic devices – has joined with seven other medical imaging stakeholders in sending a letter to congressional leadership expressing concern with cuts included in the 2023 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule (MPFS) proposed rule, which, when coupled with the expiration of previous congressional interventions, could result in double-digit cuts for providers in 2023.

While Congress has acted previously to address proposed reductions in the MPFS to protect patient access, increase financial stability, and ensure Medicare clinicians remain operational, the letter noted that “now the perennial fight to avoid catastrophic damage to clinicians’ ability to provide care has returned.”

“There’s no doubt that the last two and half years have fundamentally changed our healthcare landscape, but that is all the more reason policymakers should be seeking to support care providers, not cut them,” said Patrick Hope, Executive Director of MITA. “Not only are diagnostic medical imaging services a critical part of the care continuum, but medical imaging technology also empowers healthcare providers to make better-informed medical decisions that lead to overall cost-savings and improved outcomes.”

In addition to MITA, the Radiology Business Management Association (RBMA) and RAYUS Quality Institute also signed the letter and expressed concern regarding the pending cuts.

“Between historic inflation, a continuing pandemic, and the emerging threat of double-digit cuts, patient access to care is being threatened like never before,” said RBMA Executive Director, Bob Still. “Now, more than ever, we must have action from policy makers to address these untenable cuts.”

“These cuts will result in disproportionately limited access to care for those that need it the most. Congress and CMS must act to provide much needed permanent stability and predictability to the system by implementing an inflation escalator and by eliminating outdated ‘budget neutrality’ strictures,” said Christopher Crancer, Senior Vice President of Radiologist Partnerships and Policy and the Executive Director of the RAYUS Quality Institute.

“With use of cancer screenings and other imaging exams not fully rebounded to pre-COVID levels, and experts predicting additional deaths due to this trend, Congress must act to stop these drastic imaging cuts from further reducing access and making a bad situation even worse,” said William T. Thorwarth, MD, FACR, chief executive officer of the American College of Radiology® (ACR®).

The joint letter concluded by requesting that Congress act to provide necessary relief before the end of the year to ensure stability for the health care delivery system until permanent solutions are enacted.

To read the full letter and see additional signatories, click here.

