In an increasingly global world, interoperability is key to improved efficiency and streamlined communications between medical professionals. Today, digital image sharing platforms foster unprecedented collaboration among radiologists and other physicians in hospitals and practices around the world.
DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) allows digital imaging technologies to interact seamlessly, regardless of the workflow or electronic health record system. When DICOM standards are used, physicians of all specialties – from cardiology to radiology to neurology – have better access to medical imaging data and reports so they can arrive at an appropriate diagnosis much more quickly. Because DICOM helps facilitate interoperability and streamline workflow, patients benefit from receiving faster, more effective care. Filmless Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS) use the DICOM standard to acquire, sort, transmit, store and share images. PACS are less expensive than film archives, requires less storage space, enables remote access from anywhere in the world and allows multiple people to view images at the same time. PACS also help ease workflow, allowing physicians to spend more time caring for patients. These systems are now being used in long-distance medical education and can be integrated easily into electronic medical records.
DICOM allows digital imaging technologies to interact seamlessly, regardless of the workflow or electronic health record system.
PACS help ease workflow, allowing physicians to spend more time caring for patients.
Because DICOM helps facilitate interoperability and streamline workflow, patients benefit from receiving faster, more effective care.